About the National
Rock-Hounding Society
Our Premise:
This society was founded with the understanding that there are limited opportunities for everyday rock-hounds to go out and dig for amazing minerals, especially without having some "special" connections or paying exorbitant fees.
We intend to widen this avenue of exploration and also ensure that everyday rock-hounds are safe and smart about their adventures.
Our Goals:
To keep things simple; we want to be able to provide access to mines and dig sites
that would otherwise be off the table, provide rock-hounds with a well-connected community, and maybe even open up more dig sites later down the line for rock-hounds to enjoy.
Most importantly however, we want to make sure we can minimize the risk that rock-hounds have to take to be able to discover amazing minerals here in the U.S.
Our Current
The National Rockhounding Society currently has two major goals for the next several years. Goal one is members. We want to widen our outreach and connect people on a greater scale to enjoy the passion of rockhounding. Two is data. We are aiming to create a useful and all-encompassing database for rockhounds to utilize regularly and access easily. If you think you can help us achieve these goals, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email:
Important Announcements
As of January 2023, the NRHS is a small operation consisting of only a couple hands-on deck. For this reason, I sincerely apologize for any delays in announcement regarding events, trips, changes, etc. Hold fast knowing we are doing our best here at NRHS to establish some serious headway for the rockhounding community.
Until further notice the National Rock-Hounding Society is not formally organized in a way where there are positions ready to be filled for employment opportunities. We are hoping that this might change by 2024 but for the time being the best way to support the cause is through membership. For additional questions, comments, or concerns feel free to contact me directly via email. - Duncan McDermott
Personal email: crystalguy999@gmail.com